Things to do in Marina del Rey California
I’ve lived in Southern California for over 15 years and often forget it’s one of the best bucket list travel destinations in the world! Right in my own backyard is Marina del Rey!
I’ve lived in Southern California for over 15 years and often forget it’s one of the best bucket list travel destinations in the world! Right in my own backyard is Marina del Rey!
It’s the holiday season and I’ve got you covered for gifts for travelers on your shopping lists! Check out my KTLA tips on how to gift the globetrotters with thoughtful
There’s so many things to do in LA for the holidays! Check out my KTLA travel tips including Christmas lights, dining and theatre experiences, holiday movies and pop-up bars.
Add Santa Maria Valley to your California travel bucket list as a fun-filled wine, adventure and foodie destination. There’s so much to do here and it’s just a 3 hour drive
Check out my Soul Travel KTLA feature including Burning Man, Lightning in a Bottle and Esalen. Burning Man, an event held annually the week before Labor Day in
Check out my KTLA travel tips for exploring Big Bear California. With record breaking snowfall Big Bear California has extended ski seasons. Snow Summit and Bear Mountain
Check out my KTLA travel tips for taking a Big Sur road trip from Los Angeles on the PCH in a roadsurfer camper van.
Recently I hiked the Trans Catalina Trail and shared my tips on KTLA News. I wanted to follow up with a concise travel guide including helpful links, tips and information for
Check out my KTLA travel tips on how to hike the Trans Catalina Trail. For more information visit 8 Travel Tips For Hiking The Trans Catalina Trail. Plus 6 Adventurous
Summer is here! And I’m so excited to partner with the makers of 5-HOUR ENERGY® and TRAVEL MINDSET to share “One Perfect Day” in my hometown of Santa Monica, California.